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Oh, hello, there...

How's your day going so far? How are you handling this whole pandemic/COVID-19/Coronavirus/we-all-might-die-if-we-sneeze business? Have you been going stir crazy? Have you enjoyed self-isolating or are you starving for more human contact? Are you alone? Are you with a partner/family member/child?

I woke up happy, if only for the fact that I knew I had prepped coffee in the machine last night and that alone made me ready for the day. I am a 30-year-old sometimes-writer who like most people in the world today has recently been laid off due to current events. Hence, why I'm here with you now. I mean there's a lot of reasons I have for being here.

I have been writing since I was 16 but, only started freelance writing after I graduated high school and after many years and life getting in the way, later, here I am. For over two years I worked at a theme park (the one without the mouse) and then back in October I was, to put it delicately, let go. It was also my birthday month. Fun times.

But, that's for another time. This might be a bit backwards because my first entry here (you have read that, right?) but, you'll see a bit of everything here. If you wanna read a bit of a blog about what pours out of my brain on a near daily basis, come on by and have a gander. If you would enjoy content about books, TV, film, and everything related to it, it'll be here. It won't always be like this. I can't promise perfectly outlined, coherent think pieces you'd read on Vanity Fair. Maybe if I do this enough, I probably will. We'll see. For the most part you will see things like this, my thoughts that are always with me. But, yes, sometimes, I might be inspired to research and spin out put together articles on whatever catches my fancy. Or more of this, outpouring of my thoughts and opinions.

Either way, here's hoping this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

Your weird friend - R

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