It's very odd how ideas come to you at the strangest of times. I was sitting here, head buzzing with information, worry, and anxiety (you know, the usual) and just like that: I had an idea. I had a full-blown, semi-formed idea take over my brain and everything around it. synapsis crackling and all.
And here it is:
I'm gonna watch movies and tell you about it.
Sounds nice and simple, right?
They're going to be reviews-not-reviews because I am not a film critic and I don't pretend to be so, think of this as a movie fan sharing with other movie fans and here's the one small kicker: I'm gonna need your help.
I'm asking you guys to let me know which movies you all would like me to write about. Whether it's one good watch or a film franchise, have a seat, relax, and send me a note on what YOU would appreciate.
Hope to hear from you.
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