Well, hello there. Very sorry. It's been quite a while, hasn't it? Last I wrote to you guys, it was May and we were in the beginning - oh, little did we know, eh? - stretches of lockdown and I had been out of a real job because of the many furloughs happening due to COVID.
But, that's not what I'm here to talk about. Yes, since August, I have gotten my old job back (I work in a movie theater, in case you were always wondering), and yes, there have been many changes to that industry as a whole as well as differences in the ways I do my job now and yes, I may or may not have developed an attraction to a co-worker which is most definitely a complicated situation in and of itself.
(And hell no, I will never, ever get into any detail about that here because heaven forbid, he should stumble onto this and I die of complete, utter embarrassment so, please don't ask.)
Again, I digress.
Besides saying a very belated hello and hey, how are you? to the surprised readers who come across this, I am here to talk about... OnlyFans.
Yup, that OnlyFans.
Now, as I assume you have already read the title of this post and get the gist of what I'm putting out into the world right now and are filled to the brim with questions regarding sex cams and such, allow me to suggest you calm down, Karen, and say yes, I have indeed opened an account on OnlyFans.
For those of you not in the know about this particular site, OnlyFans is a platform in which content creators of all sorts can give their fans ;) what it is that they want (within their comfort level, of course), all for the price of a monthly fee that is set by the creators.
The creators choose their price, what type of content they release for that price, and are in full control of what they want their fans to see.
This is what I'll be doing without giving too much away about what content I will be churning out on the platform, I can only say that it's not sex cams. Not that there's anything wrong with that and that kind of content is very popular on the site, but that's not me. Yes, my content is adult but, neither pornographic nor explicit in that way.
All I can say is that this is my way of owning parts of myself that I would normally hide in my everyday life and not be so red-faced embarrassed about things others don't seem to give a shit about and hey, I may just make a couple of bucks in the process.
Now, having said that, if - and only if - you would like to support me in my new endeavor and would appreciate a discount while you're at it, head on over to https://onlyfans.com/u98553571, and if not, well pass it on over to someone who would be interested.
Either way, I appreciate you all if you're still here, and thanks very much for sticking around.
Your weird friend - R :))